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Galapagos 5-1-14 Puerto Ayora Great Blue Heron Galapagos 5-1-15 Puerto Ayora Eden Galapagos 5-2-01 Santa Cruz Highlands Tortoise Reserve Tortoise and Vermilion Flycatcher Galapagos 5-2-02 Santa Cruz Highlands Tortoise Reserve Inside a Tortoise Shell Galapagos 5-2-03 Santa Cruz Highlands Tortoise Reserve Tortoise
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Galapagos 5-2-01 Santa Cruz Highlands Tortoise Reserve Tortoise and Vermilion Flycatcher  [16 of 21]

Our first stop in the Santa Cruz Highlands was the Giant Tortoise Reserve, a great place to see the tortoises in the wild. Here is our first tortoise with the brilliant vermilion flycatcher facing it. The male vermilion flycatcher is a stunning red colour and is certainly one of the islands most colourful characters; the female has a pale yellow vest.
Galapagos 5-2-01 Santa Cruz Highlands Tortoise Reserve Tortoise and Vermilion Flycatcher

DATE: 2005-08-09 15:20